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Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas Conference: Kansas City 2024



3:30 pm - 4:50 pm Crossroads of Career and Life as BIPOC Dramaturgs: An Introduction and Guided Conversation for All

In this session, we will have a guided conversation with members and supporters of the BIPOC Affinity Group. Each speaker will share a bit about their creative work and/or dramaturgical practice. This session is open to all but will prioritize BIPOC voices in a discussion led by VP of Freelance Yasmin Zacaria Mikhaiel. The session will cover questions of culturally conscious and informed work, self-advocacy, the power of artistic relationships, the joys and traps of navigating the private/public life, and more.


2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Design Basics for Artists: Meeting at the Crossroads of Aesthetics and Information

More and more dramaturgs are asked to meet at the intersection of marketing and design in their practice. Whether it’s an educational packet, audience guide, or internal resources for the creative team -- having the basics of design elements and how to use them is a vital skill. Together, Suzi Elnaggar and Yasmin Zacaria Mihkiael will talk about the importance of design for today’s dramaturg and dramaturg-hyphenate. With over 15 years combined experience in marketing and design for the arts and non-profit sectors, these two mostly self-taught artists are sharing some of the most relevant skills for today’s theatre artists. This hybrid workshop is open for all skill levels and will have two project choices for the hands-on portion. Participants may also bring their own projects to work on. The first half of this session is open to all for the presentation while the workshop will be limited to signups. Laptops are encouraged with at least a free Canva account set up.